Monday 17 March 2014

Rocking and the Rolling

Things have been both good and bad in the band,

Good being that I have got the album up on places like Spotify and iTunes. There's also the fact more and more songs are coming together, I even put forth some lyrics I had come up with.

Bad being that our drummer has bailed but I knew that'd happen anyhow, I'm happy to use backing drums for a good while anyway, as the guitarist says "Drums are a fucking pain"... And not so much progress has been had my way, I've learned some nice bits, a bit of Jane Wirman stuff but not enough of the old two hands at the same time stuff so...

I have started recording some piano parts for the new demo tracks though so I guess that'll give me something to do and get me learning stuff even if it's easy stuff I should already know by now.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Living in the Cage

Forgot it seems to post anything,

I started making a damn sofa for myself to act more as a bed to be honest as I've been sleeping on the floor for well over a month or two now...

A while ago I decided to learn the intro solo to The Cage by Sonata Arctica, the solo itself was written by Jens Johansson and I've always thought it was fantastic! Either way I can play it now, not nearly perfect but I'm not good enough yet to worry about that, it'll come with time and has been a nice form of practice.

On to other things now though, trying to go over some nicer melodies or rather chords as it's no use going fast if the song doesn't sound good.